
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Liebster Award

I was nominated for a Liebster Award by Dina Bella. My reaction was astonishment that I would be considered for an award followed by curiosity about the history of the award. The origins of this award are actually quite mysterious. After conducting research, I learned that although the award rules have changed a couple of times the purpose of the award is truly to honor bloggers who have a low number of followers. As someone whom constantly strives to be creative in the information I present and the quality of how I present the information in my blog I am a cheerleader for this award. I have met so many inspirational and talented bloggers since I started my blog whom have the talent but not a large following; therefore, I am more than happy to spread the word about several of them. I have outlined the nomination requirements below.

A nominee must:

  • write a post about the Liebster Award
  • thank the blogger(s) whom nominated them
  • cite 11 facts about him or herself
  • also nominate a blogger who has less than 200 followers
  • answer 11 questions presented by the blogger whom nominated them
  • create 11 new questions for the nominated bloggers to answer
Below are 11 facts about myself:

I am from St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.
I am a freelance fashion stylist.
I love to listen to a variety of music from country to pop to vintage rock and roll.
I love watching television shows based on fantasy.
I love candy such as strawberry licorice and jolly ranchers.
I love "good" horror movies.
I am petite but don't necessarily style myself like I am.
My favorite color is red.
I am frequently told that I am hilarious.
I love high-heeled shoes.
I love to read fiction novels.

Dina Bella's Questions to Me:

Who is your favorite designer?

It is hard to select just one but I love Balmain's designs right now.

If there was one celebrity you would make over, who would it be?
Music artist Kesha

What fashion item you can't live without it?
A leather jacket. They can be worn with anything.

Who influenced your fashion sensibility?
My mother. I used to love watching her put on her make-up and get dressed to go out. I fell in love with fashion from a young age as a result of her laid-back, glamorous style.

What is your favorite television series, old or new?
Sleepy Hollow is my current favorite television series.

If you can live one day in the life of a movie..which one would it be?
American Hustle because I love the clothes and accessories featured in the movie.

If you had the chance to interview someone for your blog who would it be?
Corri McFadden from eDrop-Off

What fashion item in your closet (if forced) would you give away?
My black suede BCBG MaxAzria tall boots. They just completely consume my legs because of their length and my petite height (but I do love them so).  I would want to make sure they went to a good home. 

Which celebrity you can do without?
Andy Dick. I just don't get him.

What is the best fashion advice anyone ever gave you?
Buy your jeans in regular length and don't hem them; which I thought was strange because I am petite. The advise-giver stated that I should just wear higher heels. This advice actually works well for me because I do wear high-heels and I save on tailoring costs.

Top three songs in your music playlist right now?

Holy Grail, Jay-Z featuring Justin Timberlake
Night Train, Jason Aldean
Perfume, Britney Spears

I Nominate:

Tala Del, PineappleMe
Maggie S. Chan, Clothes to Midnight
Eileen Chow, Yes Missy
Christina Storm, The Style Storm
Lily McKay, She's So Overdressed
Io Nelly, Imperfect Muse
Sonam Chawla, Beauty Tips and Ideas
Maja Paripovic, Lustrini e perline
Tamara Eker, Vogue Fair
Donna George, True to You
Anita Lolonga, Cinnamon and Danako

My Questions for Nominees:

If you could intern with a fashion designer for one year who would it be?

Which decade is your favorite for fashion?

What was the worst song of 2013?

Which actress has the best sense of style?

If you could live one day in the life of a musician who would it be?

Which color, if you could advise Pantone, would you select to be the 2015 color of the year?

What defines style?

Which past fashion trend would you bring back, if you could?

Who is your favorite historical figure?

If you could go on tour with a solo artist or group for one year which solo artist or group would it be?

If you won an all-expenses' paid trip to anywhere in the world for one week where would you travel?


  1. wow such a lovely post! great job x

    I have an ongoing giveaway on my blog, please join! :) xx Miss Beatrix (

  2. lol.. love the Britney Spears!!!!

  3. Hey Sharon!!

    Thanks a lot for nominating me.
